About Us

About Restoring America

Restoring America’s mission is simple: to organize and mobilize patriotic Utahns to vote in defense of our shared values.

We are committed to protecting the God-given rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

We defend Americans’ right to choose whether or not to take a vaccine.

We know that free and fair elections are the ultimate safeguard against tyranny, recognizing that every fraudulent vote erases a LEGAL vote.

We support the right of states to determine their own destiny, free from federal oppression.

We Back the Blue, salute our troops, and stand by all First Responders.

We defend Freedom of Speech, whether you agree with us or not.

We put America First.

About Jamie Nielsen

Jamie Nielsen has spent years serving in national politics. After graduating from the University of Utah, he began his career at the Republican National Committee in Washington, D.C. He then transitioned to the 2020 Trump Campaign. While serving on President Trump’s campaign, he met hard working Americans who wanted nothing more than to restore the greatness of America. After the election, Nielsen returned to the Republican National Committee where he served in a Senior Staff position in the Digital Department. While Nielsen enjoyed national politics, he always planned to return home to help mobilize patriotic Utahns to defend constitutional values and individual freedom.

In February, 2022, Nielsen launched Restoring America to accomplish just that. Since its launch, Restoring America has worked tirelessly to ensure that every Utahn is able to have their voice heard.

Jamie Nielsen wants to hear from YOU! Click here to send him a personal message and share your story >>


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